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G.W. Bush Proclamation
Publication date: 2001-10-16

How G.W. Bush Could have Stopped Terrorism

Proclamation of George W. Bush (which he never delivered)

I, George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, address the people of the United States of America and of the World.

When on the 11th of September I saw the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center going up in flames, I felt boundless outrage, and burning desire to bring the perpetrators of this atrocity to justice, and to do everything in my power to ensure that such atrocities can never happen again.

I know that all Americans and people all over the world shared my feelings.

Driven by these feelings and encouraged by the practically universal support, I took immediate action on every front, both military and diplomatic, to bring the prime suspect behind the atrocities, Osama bin Laden, to justice — dead, or alive.

As, the diplomatic efforts to persuade the Taliban government of Afghanistan to hand over Osama bin Laden failed, I ordered military action against the Taliban government with the objective of defeating that government and capturing or killing Osama bin Laden.

As the time went by, and my rage at the atrocities of the 11th September gave way to a more sober evaluation of the problem of terrorism, I realized, that, while it is within the military capacity of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition to bomb the Taliban government together with Osama bin Laden and his supporters and training camps out of existence, such action will not achieve a far more important goal — the goal of eradicating terrorism from our planet.

I realized that terrorism is not created by terrorist leaders. Terrorism is created by feelings of injustice, and it is these feelings of injustice that create terrorists and their leaders. Killing terrorist leaders still further strengthens the feelings of injustice, thus increasing the terrorist support base. Killed leaders become martyrs, saints, and role models, and are replaced with new leaders.

Killing Osama bin Laden will not bring back the victims of the 11th of September, it will only create still more victims on every side. It is a war in which there will be no winners, only losers.

A dead or imprisoned Osama bin Laden will become a symbol, and a role model for every terrorist alive today and to be born in the years to come. A living and free Osama bin Laden can become the man who will help us put a permanent end to terrorism.

He can do so by becoming a Spokesman for all those people around the world, who, rightly or wrongly, see themselves as victims of injustice at the hands of established governments.

Reflecting upon the issue of terrorism, I realized that, while I and my fellow Americans can resolve any dispute between us not by violence, but by taking that dispute to a court of law, a Chechen, whose house is ruined and whose mother and sisters are raped by Russian soldiers cannot file a law suit against the Russian Army in a Moscow court. The only options available to him are to accept injustice or to fight against his enemies and oppressors in any way he can. This is what creates terrorists and terrorist leaders like Osama bin Laden.

This is what causes tragedies like that of the 11th September.

I am pleased to announce to you all, that the World Court of Justice has been set up. This court will enable all victims of injustice at the hands of established governments to bring civil actions against their oppressors and find a remedy. This is a true opportunity to put an end to terrorism. And Osama bin Laden can play a key role in achieving that goal.

I am taking now the first step in that direction by making the following formal proclamation:

  1. I abandon all claims against Osama bin Laden, and grant him full diplomatic immunity as the ambassador, representative and spokesman for all people who see themselves victims of injustice at the hands of established governments.

  2. I request all the countries members of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition to follow my example and to grant Osama bin Laden full diplomatic immunity and provide him full co‐operation and assistance in his task of helping all victims of injustice at the hands of the established governments to bring civil actions in the World Court of Justice.

  3. I order all American Armed Forces and all the forces of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition to stop immediately all military activities against the present government of Afghanistan (Taliban).

  4. I give full recognition to the present Government of Afghanistan (Taliban), and request all the governments of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition to follow my example.

  5. I request the Government of Afghanistan (Taliban) to assess the damages caused to their country by the military activities of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition, so that they would be compensated by my Government for the damages inflicted on Afghanistan.

  6. I request the Russian Government to stop all military operations in Chechnya.

  7. I request the Government of the State of Israel to stop all military operations against the Palestinians.

  8. I request all other established governments waging war against terrorism to stop all military operations against the terrorists.

  9. I, President of the United States of America, solemnly declare, that I accept the jurisdiction of the World Court of Justice, and shall fully and unconditionally comply with its decisions.

  10. I request all the Coalition governments to follow my example and issue declarations that they accept the jurisdiction of the World Court of Justice, and shall fully and unconditionally comply with its decisions.

I have sent to Osama bin Laden a copy of this proclamation and the text of the proclamation to be made by him, which I received from the World Court of Justice.

I hope that as soon a Osama bin Laden has received the documents and had opportunity to acquaint himself with their content, he will issue formally his proclamation and assume his role of the ambassador, representative and spokesman for all people who see themselves victims of injustice at the hands of established governments.

I am sending copies of this proclamation and of all the documents received by me from the World Court of Justice to all the countries members of the Anti‐Terrorist Coalition, and request them to acquaint themselves with their contents and to give them maximum publicity in their respective countries in order to ensure that these documents reach people who see themselves victims of injustice.

I look forward to working with Osama bin Laden and his followers to achieve a world where justice will replace politics, wars, genocide and terrorism, and I request all the governments in the world to join me and Osama bin Laden in this endeavor.

Finally, I ask you all to remember all victims of crimes committed by governments: the brave terrorists who selflessly sacrificed their lives in the name of justice, the 3,000 innocent people who died in New York, the over 40,000 Chechens killed by the Russian government, and the Russian soldiers sent by their government to be killed in Chechnya, the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Muslim and the Hindus in Kashmir, the Afghanis killed by the Coalition Forces, and all others who died because the governments of the world chose to rule the world by violence and politics, rather than by truth, fairness and justice.

George W. Bush,

President of the United States of America

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