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Issues in World Government

All the articles on this site (sorted by publication date) published in 2002
Can the Christian Church Provide Moral Guidance to the Western World in the 21st Century? (2002-12-27)
Can the new Head of the Church of England succeed in his "moral crusade"? And what fundamental questions he has to answer in order to succeed?
Religion, Morality, Fear, Understanding and Modern Secularism (2002-12-26)
There is much confusion today about morality and religion. To unravel this confusion we shall look at the roots of this confusion.
Trusting Government, Trusting Politicians, and the Cherie Blair Affair (2002-12-16)
Trusting government as an institution in the 21st century.
WCJ Comments on the Osama bin Laden Message to the American People (November 2002) (2002-12-04)
Osama bin Laden's Message to the American People is one of the most important documents that will affect the life of Mankind in the coming months, years and decades ...
How to Resolve the British Fire Dispute (2002-11-24)
The solution to the problem to the current Fire Strike is obvious, but all the parties concerned cannot see it ...
Fire Strike, Pickets, Blair Vision and Respect for Property (2002-11-22)
Examining the rights and wrongs of the fire-fighters dispute using the tools of truth, honesty and justice.
Who Owns the Politicians? (2002-11-20)
Are 'our politicians' really ours? Exploring the demagogical usage of 'we'.
A War on Iraq. Why Now? (2002-11-14)
Bush and Blair are still on course for a war with Iraq. But why now?
The Aims of the US Foreign Policy and the Realities of the War on Terror (2002-11-11)
How War on Terror is advancing the aims of the American foreign policy.
Unemployment and Worklessness - Life Cycle of a Political Myth (2002-11-07)
The British government are re-branding "unemployment" as "worklessness" - is this the end of another political myth?
Homosexual Marriages - Modernity or Peak of Absurdity? (2002-11-06)
A closer look at the issue of adoption of children by homosexual couples from prime principles.
Describing the Undescribable - (What is God?) (2002-11-04)
We were asked: "If God cannot even be described, then how can one even claim to believe in something one can't define?" - We answer that question.
The Moscow Theater - a Backstage View (What they did not tell us) (2002-10-31)
The freeing by the Russian Special forces of a few hundred hostages held by a Group of Chechens in a Moscow theater at the cost of over a 100 hostages dead has been in the news for the past few days ... but why did this incident happen? A blue-eyed, fair-haired Russian woman tells us why ...
The Four Wives of Mullah Omar and the Plight of the Lonely Wife (2002-10-25)
One of the most "objectionable" features of Islam from the point of view of its critics is "polygamy". But what is ... ?
The Lessons of Bali (2002-10-15)
Bali - Indonesia - Another big blast and some 200 victims. And the media and the politicals are ..., but what are the real reasons?
WCJ Comments on the National Security Strategy of the United States of America Report (September 2002) (2002-09-28)
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America report dated 17th September 2002 is a document that will have a profound influence on the life of Mankind in the coming years and decades. They can either usher in a new era of freedom, peace and security, or plunge Mankind into decades of destruction and bloodshed. The purpose of these comments is to help the American Government to develop the necessary objectivity and global world vision required for the success of their endeavour.
The Origins and Development of the War on Terror Doctrine and its Future Prospects (2002-09-08)
The War on Terror doctrine was conceived long before 9/11. Who is the architect of that doctrine, and where is it going to lead the World.
Spinning Another War? (2002-09-06)
Now that Bush and Blair are seeking to sell the World another War, it is time to examine their selling techniques ... .
The Dark Secret of the Life and Death of Abu Nidal (2002-08-25)
Who stood behind the master terrorist Abu Nidal?
House Prices and the Politics of Housing (2002-08-15)
With the house prices going through the roof, politicians and journalists are jumping up to identify the problems and offer their solutions ... But ...
Negotiations about Talks and Talks about Negotiations (2002-08-12)
The search for peace in the Middle East is continuing, and so is the violence ... Why?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam - A Clash of Civilizations? (2002-08-06)
The involvement of Muslims in the events of 9/11 has brought Islam into the limelight of the World Media. There are even talks of a Clash of Civilizations ... But what are Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Military Intelligence, Political Cunning, Human Stupidity and the Way to Peace in the Middle East (2002-07-25)
How Hamas could make themselves more effective, and resolve the Middle East Conflict.
The Rights and Wrongs of the Trade Unions (2002-07-24)
The British trade unions are again in the news, and so are "strikes", "trade union powers", and something called "industrial relations" ... But what are ...?
Definition of Terrorism (2002-07-14)
The word 'terrorism' defined non-politically.
The Politics of Pensions (2002-07-12)
Pensions are again in the news in Britain ...
Education - Public or Private? (2002-07-05)
There is much fuss in the media about private tuition, but the real issue is ...
WCJ Comments on President Bush's Speech on Resolving the Middle East Conflict - June 24, 2002 (2002-07-01)
Text of the World Court of Justice Comments on the Speech by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict delivered by him on June 24, 2002 at the White House.
From the Bush Speech to the End of Violence, to the Bush Vision (2002-06-25)
How to stop the Middle East violence and to achieve the Bush Vision.
WCJ Comments on the Remarks by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict (2002-06-12)
Text of the World Court of Justice Comments on the Remarks by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict following his meeting with Ariel Sharon on 2002-06-10.
Asylum, Immigration and Freedom of Movement (2002-05-25)
Asylum and immigration problems and solutions ...
Questions to World Leaders (2002-05-10)
Text of the World Court of Justice Questionnaire on resolution of the Middle East conflict sent to Bush and Blair.
Stopping Middle East Violence Now and Forever (2002-04-30)
In spite of the crisis drawing world attention from every side, there is still no clear understanding of the reasons for continuation of violence ...
Right v Left or Right v Wrong? (2002-04-25)
The turmoil in France at the electoral success of Jean-Marie Le Pen was echoed in Britain and all over Europe. The reason for the turmoil is that Le Pen is described as "far-right", while most other governments in Europe are described as "left", "center-left", "center", or "center-right" ...
Should the Immigrants "Integrate"? (2002-04-24)
Riots in the North of England, and the anti-Muslim hysteria whipped up as part of the "War on Terror" campaign pushed the question of "integration" of the immigrants into the British Culture onto the 'political' agenda. And now with the electoral panic in France the issue is even more in the news ...
Education - Success or Failure? (2002-04-24)
Tony Blair says that his education policies have been successful. I do not know what are his criteria of success ...
The War for Peace? (2002-04-21)
Can "War on Terror" bring peace? Yes, it can. But not in the way intended by those who wage it ...
Who Creates Social Problems and Why? (2002-04-17)
'Social problems' are back in fashion! Now, it is the Conservative Party who seek to get hold of that safety buoy ...
Funding Politics in Britain? (2002-04-17)
Politicians want the British public to finance their party politics from taxes ...
The Obstacles to Peace in the Middle East (2002-04-13)
Politicians and experts, who cannot find the way to peace in the Middle East, are caught in the mesh of their own weaving ...
The Way back to Peace (2002-04-09)
What needs to be done to return to peace in the Middle East after the orgy of violence.
How Bush Could Have Resolved the Middle East Crisis (2002-04-07)
President Bush's attempt to stop the Middle East crisis has failed.
Who Can Stop the War in Palestine (2002-03-30)
The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan calls on Sharon and Arafat to stop the hostilities. But is he addressing the right people ?
Making the Saudi Peace Proposal Work (2002-03-28)
Turning the Saudi Peace Proposal into reality.
Raising the Standards of Politics? (2002-03-19)
In connection with recent preoccupation with sleaze in Britain a journalist wrote an article in a British national daily entitled: "Raising the Standards of Politics in Britain". But is such thing possible?
Understanding the 'Isms' (2002-03-19)
Socialism, Capitalism, Islamism ... keep busy human minds and mouths, but what is the essence of them all? ...
Solution for the Middle East (2002-03-04)
The upsurge of violence in the Middle East in the wake of the "War on Terror" has prompted politicians to seek solutions to the "Middle East Crisis", but they all ignore the real issue behind the conflict ...
Private and Public (2002-02-04)
The arguments about 'public' and 'private' dominated much of the 20th century and there is still no clarity what should be 'public' and what should be 'private' ...
Government without Politics (2002-02-04)
Political government has been with us for so long that most people don't know the difference between 'politics' and 'government' ...
World Role for Britain and Blair (2002-02-04)
Tony Blair wants a world role for Britain and himself. But is he the man for the job? And what is that job?
The Veil and the Plight of the Unveiled Woman (2002-01-14)
Why do Muslim women cover their heads, faces and bodies?

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