Osama bin Laden's Message to the American People is one of the most important documents that will affect the life of Mankind in the coming months, years and decades ...
The freeing by the Russian Special forces of a few hundred hostages held by a Group of Chechens in a Moscow theater at the cost of over a 100 hostages dead has been in the news for the past few days ... but why did this incident happen? A blue-eyed, fair-haired Russian woman tells us why ...
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America report dated 17th September 2002 is a document that will have a profound influence on the life of Mankind in the coming years and decades. They can either usher in a new era of freedom, peace and security, or plunge Mankind into decades of destruction and bloodshed. The purpose of these comments is to help the American Government to develop the necessary objectivity and global world vision required for the success of their endeavour.
With the house prices going through the roof, politicians and journalists are jumping up to identify the problems and offer their solutions ... But ...
The involvement of Muslims in the events of 9/11 has brought Islam into the limelight of the World Media. There are even talks of a Clash of Civilizations ... But what are Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
The British trade unions are again in the news, and so are "strikes", "trade union powers", and something called "industrial relations" ... But what are ...?
Text of the World Court of Justice Comments on the Speech by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict delivered by him on June 24, 2002 at the White House.
Text of the World Court of Justice Comments on the Remarks by G.W. Bush on The Middle East Conflict following his meeting with Ariel Sharon on 2002-06-10.
The turmoil in France at the electoral success of Jean-Marie Le Pen was echoed in Britain and all over Europe. The reason for the turmoil is that Le Pen is described as "far-right", while most other governments in Europe are described as "left", "center-left", "center", or "center-right" ...
Riots in the North of England, and the anti-Muslim hysteria whipped up as part of the "War on Terror" campaign pushed the question of "integration" of the immigrants into the British Culture onto the 'political' agenda. And now with the electoral panic in France the issue is even more in the news ...
In connection with recent preoccupation with sleaze in Britain a journalist wrote an article in a British national daily entitled: "Raising the Standards of Politics in Britain". But is such thing possible?
The upsurge of violence in the Middle East in the wake of the "War on Terror" has prompted politicians to seek solutions to the "Middle East Crisis", but they all ignore the real issue behind the conflict ...
The arguments about 'public' and 'private' dominated much of the 20th century and there is still no clarity what should be 'public' and what should be 'private' ...
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