Truth, Honesty and Justice
The Alternative to Wars, Terrorism and Politics

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Issues in World Government

All the articles on this site (sorted by publication date) published in 2003
Who Will Try Saddam Hussain, and Should it Matter? (2003-12-29)
The arguments about who should try Saddam still continue. But can the outcome of a trial depend on the judges?
Islamic Trends in US and British Governments (2003-12-22)
Some Islamic trends in US and British government policies ...
The Trial of Saddam Hussain (2003-12-16)
Saddam Hussain has been captured by the Americans and is to be put on trial ...
Turning the Other Cheek (2003-11-25)
How Turning the Other Cheek can be successful and where it fails ...
Understanding Democracy (2003-11-22)
Democracy in government and decision-making.
Making the Geneva Accord Work (2003-11-12)
How can the Geneva Accord resolve the issues behind the Middle East conflict ...
Can the British Conservatives Rise back from the Ashes? (2003-10-30)
How can the British conservatives become a party of government?
The World Court of Justice and the International Court of Justice Compared (2003-10-27)
People are asking to explain the difference between the WCJ and ICJ ...
Are the US Winning or Losing the Global War on Terror? (2003-10-24)
Donald Rumsfeld asks questions about winning or losing the Global War on Terror ... we answer them.
Is The Universe Football-Shaped? (2003-10-10)
Scientists say that The Universe is not infinite. Is this a real discovery or just another fascinating fallacy?
Homosexuality among Animals and Humans (2003-10-06)
Some people are seeking the truth about gay animals ...
Is Iran Next? (2003-09-17)
Is war against Iran the next step, or will the War on Terror stop in Iraq?
Two Years of Wars and Terror and the Future Peace (2003-09-11)
Two years of wars and terror ... will there ever be peace?
Who has Killed the Middle East Roadmap? (2003-09-05)
Some say the roadmap is dead, but was it ever alive?
The UN and the US Predicament in Iraq (2003-08-21)
The reasons for the Iraq violence and can the US bring Iraq to normality?
Definitions of Truth and Falsehood (2003-08-18)
Truth and falsehood - what are they?
Why Terrorists Die Smiling? (2003-08-11)
Understanding the philosopy of the bomb.
How to Stop Islam? (2003-08-08)
Some people are asking, "How to stop Islam?" ...
Justice and the Key People (2003-08-03)
Who are the key people in The World Court of Justice? And can justice depend on key people?
Resolving Conflict Between Religion and Politics (2003-07-27)
Answering the question: "What are the possibilities for resolving conflict between religion and politics?"
What is Sodomized? (2003-07-16)
The meaning of the words "sodomy" and "sodomization" explained.
Crisis of Blairism or Crisis of Politics? (2003-07-15)
Blairism - what it is and where it will lead.
Tony Blair and the Rogue States (2003-07-14)
Tony Blair is promoting the idea that the principle of non-intervention yields to the international responsibility to protect ... What are the implications?
Why Did They Die in Iraq? (2003-06-26)
British soldiers were killed in Iraq and the British politicians are asking - Why?
Taxing the Rich and Understanding Social Justice (2003-06-25)
Can taxing the rich make us all better off?
Was Mary Raped? (2003-06-20)
Some say Mary mother of Jesus was raped ... the evidence and the truth ...
Rejectionism - Whom to Blame for the Roadmap Failure? (2003-06-13)
What is rejectionism, and who is to blame for failure of the Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East.
The Secret of Saddam's WMD and Establishing Trust in Government (2003-06-09)
Has the British public been mislead by Tony Blair? ... and Trusting Government.
Understanding Understanding (2003-06-02)
Consideration of the phenomenon of human understanding.
Morality, Law and Religion (2003-06-01)
Treating morality, law and religion as separate parts of human existence is a modern western phenomenon. There is no such separation either in the Bible, or the Qur'an ...
National Sovereignty - Who Needs It? (2003-05-26)
With the emergence of multi-national entities, like the European Union, and the American War on Terror some people bemoan the loss of sovereignty by nation states ...
Sayings of a Modern Crusader and Educating America (2003-05-24)
Comments on a call for a Crusade against the House of Saud and condemnations of Islam ...
Permissive Society and Educating the Educators (2003-05-20)
The French educators want to ban Muslim girls covering their hair at school ...
Lawlessness Begets Lawlessness and the Unipolar World Order (2003-05-15)
A blast in Riyadh, a blast in Chechnya, and British bombers in Israel ... can the War on Terror be won?
Judeo-Christian (Christeo-Judean) Tradition and Islam (2003-05-14)
The idea of a Judeo-Christian Tradition has been in fashion for some time ... But what is ... ?
Roadmap to Solution of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Can it Work? (2003-05-06)
How the Road Map proposals will resolve the issues behind the conflict ...
Will the USA Become an Islamic State, Now That Saddam is Gone? (2003-05-01)
With the speculations about the possibility of an Islamic State in Iraq, it is time to ask ...
Clarification of the Legal Status of the US Presence in Iraq (2003-04-23)
Occupation? Liberation? ... from supra-national vigilantism to supra-national rule of law.
Who Will Govern Iraq and Does It Matter? (2003-04-17)
Who Will Govern Iraq - US, UN, an Iraqi, Sunni, Shia, Kurd - and does it Matter?
Has the Fall of Baghdad Made the Iraq War Legitimate? (2003-04-12)
With statues of Saddam Hussain being pulled down in Baghdad, has the Iraq war become justified?
Governing Iraq and Governing the World (2003-04-10)
With the government of Saddam Hussain destroyed who will govern Iraq and who will govern the World?
False Moral Equivalence (2003-04-08)
Understanding the doctrine of False Moral Equivalence.
Who protects tyrants and incites wars? (2003-04-06)
We received an article saying that pacifists protect tyrants and incite wars. We comment on it.
The Birth of a Palestinian State, as President Bush has Promised (2003-04-04)
Whenever George Bush wants to attack a country he, or his spokesman Tony Blair, say something about a Palestinian State ... But what is this State?
Can the Iraq War be Stopped Now? (2003-04-01)
How the Iraq war can be stopped now without embarrassing Bush and Blair.
Islam in One Word (2003-03-31)
Explaining the essence of Islam in one word.
Dialog with a Lesbian (2003-03-31)
On female homosexuality and the role of sex in the Human Reproductive Process.
Patterns of Crimes and Politics, and the Way to Victory (2003-03-30)
Behavioural patterns in the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, and how the US could have won the war.
Understanding Protests (2003-03-28)
Protests - what are they, and when are they justified?
Should We Support Our Boys? (2003-03-26)
'Should We Support Our Boys?', ask not only American and British opponents of the war, but also Iraqi opponents of Saddam Hussain ... What is the answer?
PoWs or Illegal Combatants? (2003-03-25)
The issue of prisoners of war, illegal combatants and the Geneva Convention.
The Dead, the Alive, and the Immortal (2003-03-23)
Will Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussain ever die? And how Bush and Blair can be saved from Eternal Damnation.
British Children to be Sodomized at School at Taxpayers Expense - Why? (2003-03-19)
The duties of government ... and was Section 28 necessary?
Legitimacy of Governments (2003-03-18)
An overview of methods and techniques used by governments to justify their powers and actions.
Answering Difficult Questions about the 9/11 (2003-03-17)
Some people still have difficulties in answering questions about the 9/11 ...
Patriotism and the Love of Wars (2003-03-16)
With the opposition to the American war against Iraq growing in Britain and the US, will it change into patriotism, once the war begins? And ... what is patriotism, anyway?
How Tony Blair Got Caught in His Own Trap and How to Get out of It (2003-03-12)
How Tony Blair can get out of his self-made Iraq War predicament.
Turning the War from Inevitable to Avoidable (2003-03-05)
The Blair arguments for war shift to the patently immoral, but is the war inevitable?
The Five Solutions to the Middle East Crisis (2003-02-27)
The Saudi, Netanyahu, Sharon, Bush and Blair Middle East plans compared.
Liability of Heads of State for War Crimes (2003-02-25)
We are asked: Can a US president be liable for war crimes? ...
Individual Freedom and the Duty to Educate (2003-02-24)
The dialogue reflecting different views of freedom and morality continues ...
Blair Hypocrisy and the Way to Greatness (2003-02-22)
Tony Blair went to see the Pope to convince him of the morality of his war against Iraq ... and how Tony can achieve Greatness ...
A Dialogue of Civilizations? (2003-02-21)
A dialogue reflecting different views of freedom and morality ...
The Moral Stance of Tony Blair on the Iraq War (2003-02-19)
Having failed to justify the American War against Iraq on the grounds of disarmament Tony Blair turned to morality ... and has failed again ... Why?
Can the Liberals Form the Next British Government? (2003-02-17)
With the continuous loss of credibility by the Blair government and the self-destruction of the Conservatives, the question arises ...
World Government - Ideal or Painful Necessity? (2003-02-16)
Those who defend the Iraq War as the only alternative, defend their own right to commit crimes with impunity ... the alternative to wars ...
Osama and Omar Speak Again and Panic Grips London and New York - What Next? (2003-02-13)
With the War on Terror heating up from every side, where will it all take Mankind ...
The Role of the United Nations in the Modern World (2003-02-10)
The Role of the United Nations in the Modern World against the background of the US foreign policy.
Games Politicians Play (2003-02-10)
Most people do not behave in a sincere straight-forward way, but play games ... an insight in gamy behaviour in modern politics.
The Sincerity of Lying by Politicians and Learning to Discover the Truth (2003-02-09)
On sincerity and lies of politicians, and the ways of not becoming their victim ... and the traditional Blair dossiers ...
Justifying the War on Iraq (2003-02-04)
As the full-scale invasion of Iraq by the American forces is approaching, and the opposition to that war in Europe and the United States is growing, politicians, headed by Tony Blair, seek to justify this war ...
Can a Reform of the Palestinian Authority Stop Violence in Palestine? And What Will? (2003-01-14)
The Tony Blair conference on a reform of the Palestinian Authority in London raises the question: "Can a reform of the Palestinian Authority resolve the Middle East Conflict?" To answer this question one needs to consider ...
Homosexuality - Crime, Sin, Mental Illness, Inborn Abnormality or Alternative Lifestyle? (2003-01-08)
Explanation of homosexuality from prime principles.
Tony Blair Politics for 2003 (2003-01-05)
Tony Blair politics for 2003 on Iraq, Palestine, and War on Terror used to illustrate the differences between politics and government.
Church and State in Islam (2003-01-03)
... the current preoccupation by European and American experts and politicians with the issue of Church and State in Islam ... . But what is Church and State in Islam?

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